Language/OS - Multiplatform Resource Library
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(herald read
(env tsys (osys buffer) (osys readtable)))
;;; Copyright (c) 1985 Yale University
;;; Authors: N Adams, R Kelsey, D Kranz, J Philbin, K Pitman, J Rees.
;;; This material was developed by the T Project at the Yale University Computer
;;; Science Department. Permission to copy this software, to redistribute it,
;;; and to use it for any purpose is granted, subject to the following restric-
;;; tions and understandings.
;;; 1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright notice in full.
;;; 2. Users of this software agree to make their best efforts (a) to return
;;; to the T Project at Yale any improvements or extensions that they make,
;;; so that these may be included in future releases; and (b) to inform
;;; the T Project of noteworthy uses of this software.
;;; 3. All materials developed as a consequence of the use of this software
;;; shall duly acknowledge such use, in accordance with the usual standards
;;; of acknowledging credit in academic research.
;;; 4. Yale has made no warrantee or representation that the operation of
;;; this software will be error-free, and Yale is under no obligation to
;;; provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or otherwise.
;;; 5. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this material,
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;;;; external representation parser
;;; the incredible reader. it is here that the language's external syntax
;;; (such as it is) is definitively defined.
;;; ---------- internal markers and tokens
(define (make-token id)
(object nil
((print-type-string self) "Token")
((identification self) id)))
;;; class of markers for right brackets
(define close-token-marker (make-token 'close-token-marker))
(define-integrable (make-close-token)
(cons close-token-marker nil))
(define-integrable (close-token? x)
(and (pair? x) (eq? (car x) close-token-marker)))
;;; token for dot syntax
(define dot-token (make-token 'dot-token))
(define-integrable (dot-token? x)
(eq? x dot-token))
;;; nothing-read is the mechanism whereby readmacros can choose to not
;;; return anything.
(define nothing-read (make-token 'nothing-read))
(define-integrable (nothing-read? x)
(eq? x nothing-read))
;;; ---------- top-level entries into reader
;;; some of the following procedure names can be explained by
;;; imagining that an "object" is either an object read in the normal
;;; way or an eof token, and that a "thing" might include some strange
;;; internal reader token, like a dot or a close-bracket.
;;; read-object is the default method for the read operation.
(define (read-object port read-table)
(read-object-1 port read-table nil))
;;; recursive entry from readmacros. this is guaranteed to return a useable
;;; value, no funny tokens of any sort.
(define (read-refusing-eof port)
(read-object-refusing-eof port (port-read-table port)))
(define (read-object-refusing-eof port rt)
(read-object-1 port rt t))
(define (read-object-1 port rt refuse-eofs?)
(iterate loop () ; throw away bogus close tokens.
(let ((obj (read-thing-refusing-dots port rt)))
(cond ((eof? obj)
;; eof's might or might not be returnable.
(cond (refuse-eofs?
(read-error port "unexpected end-of-file"))
(else obj)))
((close-token? obj)
;; right parentheses might or might not be ignorable.
(cond ((and (not refuse-eofs?) (interactive? port))
(unread-char port) ; incredible hack.
(read-error port "unexpected \"~c\""
(read-char port)))))
;; object is neither eof nor close. return it.
;;; this is called from the list reader and from the two above routines.
(define (read-thing-refusing-dots port rt)
(let ((obj (read-thing port rt)))
(cond ((dot-token? obj)
(read-error port "\" . \" in illegal context"))
(else obj))))
;;; ---------- main dispatch for reader
;;; this is the place where the scanning and dispatching actually happens.
(define (read-thing port rt)
(iterate loop ()
(let ((ch (read-char port)))
(cond ((eof? ch) ch)
(let ((syn (char-syntax rt ch)))
(cond ((read-macro? syn)
(let ((obj (syn port ch rt)))
(if (nothing-read? obj) (loop) obj)))
(select syn
((%%whitespace %%ignored) (loop))
(else (read-atom port rt ch)))))))))))
;;; not readmacro, not whitespace: just a vanilla symbol or number.
(define (read-atom port rt ch)
(with-buffers ((buf)) ; ought to bind this somehow
(iterate loop ((ch ch) (slashes? nil))
((lambda (accum done)
(cond ((eof? ch) (done))
(let ((syn (char-syntax rt ch)))
(cond ((not (read-macro? syn))
(select syn
(accum ((rt-translator rt) ch)
(unread-char port) ; put back the delimiter
(let ((ch (read-char port)))
(if (eof? ch)
(read-error port
;; elaborate on this...
"eof follows escape char")
(accum ch t))))
(illegal-char-encountered port ch))
(loop (read-char port) slashes?))))
((not (delimiting-read-macro? syn))
(accum ((rt-translator rt) ch)
(unread-char port) ; put back the delimiter
(lambda (ch slashes?) ; accum
(vm-write-char buf ch)
(loop (read-char port) slashes?))
(lambda () ; done
(let ((str (buffer->string buf)))
(cond (slashes?
((rt-string->symbol rt) str))
(((rt-recognizer rt) str rt) str rt)))))))))
(define (illegal-char-encountered port ch)
(read-error port "illegal character ~s" ch))
;;; create the standard read table.
(define standard-read-table
(make-read-table vanilla-read-table 'standard-read-table))
(set *print-table* standard-read-table)
(set-read-table-entry standard-read-table #\backslash %%escape-char)
(walk (lambda (ch)
(set-read-table-entry standard-read-table ch %%undefined))
'(#\left-brace #\right-brace #\left-bracket #\right-bracket))
;;; ---------- standard read macros
(define (make-list-reader)
(let* ((token (make-close-token))
(object (lambda (port ch rt)
(ignore port ch rt)
((delimiting-read-macro? self) t)
((establish-read-table-entry self ch)
(if (and (eq? self
(read-table-entry standard-read-table
(null? *list-end-char*))
(set *list-end-char* ch)))
((print-type-string self) "List-terminator"))))
(object (lambda (port ch rt)
(ignore ch)
(read-delimited-list port token rt))
((delimiting-read-macro? self) t)
((establish-read-table-entry self ch)
(if (and (eq? self
(read-table-entry standard-read-table
(null? *list-begin-char*))
(set *list-begin-char* ch)))
((list-terminator self) right)
((print-type-string self) "List-reader"))))
(define-operation (list-terminator syn))
(let ((reader (make-list-reader)))
(set-read-table-entry standard-read-table
(set-read-table-entry standard-read-table
(list-terminator reader)))
;;; Used when something ends in wrong kind of token. this is the
;;; place to implement super-brackets, if we ever decide that we
;;; want them.
(define (losing-right-bracket port)
(read-error port "right bracket doesn't match left bracket")
(define (losing-eof port)
(read-error port "end of file inside list (missing right bracket)")
(define (read-delimited-list port token rt)
(iterate loop ((l '()))
(let ((obj (read-thing port rt)))
(cond ((eof? obj) (losing-eof port))
((close-token? obj)
;; list ends with right paren
(cond ((neq? obj token)
(losing-right-bracket port))
(else (reverse! l))))
((dot-token? obj)
(let ((tail (read-object-refusing-eof port rt)))
(let ((z (read-thing-refusing-dots port rt))) ;expect close.
(cond ((eof? z) (losing-eof port))
((eq? z token)
;; list ends <.> <frob> <rparen>
(append-reverse! l tail))
((close-token? z)
(losing-right-bracket port))
(read-error port "two objects follow dot in list"))
(else (loop (cons obj l)))))))
(define read-delimited-string
(object (lambda (port ch rt)
(with-buffers ((buffer))
(read-delimited-string-into-buffer port ch rt buffer)
(buffer->string buffer)))
((establish-read-table-entry self ch)
(if (null? *string-delimiter*)
(set *string-delimiter* ch)))))
(define (read-delimited-string-into-buffer port delimiter rt buffer)
(labels (((error)
(read-error port
"end of file within ~c...~c (missing delimiter)"
(let ((ch (read-char port)))
(cond ((eof? ch) (error))
((char= ch *control-char-delimiter*)
(let ((ch (read-char port)))
(if (eof? ch) (error) (%controlify ch))))
((char= ch #\left-bracket)
(read-keyworded port ch 0 rt))
(else ch))))
(let ((ch (read-char port)))
(cond ((eof? ch) (error))
((char= ch delimiter) buffer)
(if (eq? (char-syntax rt ch) %%escape-char)
(set-read-table-entry standard-read-table #\doublequote read-delimited-string)
(define read-delimited-symbol
(object (lambda (port ch rt)
(with-buffers ((buffer))
(read-delimited-string-into-buffer port ch rt buffer)
(string->symbol (buffer->string! buffer))))
((establish-read-table-entry self ch)
(if (null? *symbol-delimiter*) (set *symbol-delimiter* ch)))))
;(set-read-table-entry standard-read-table #\| read-delimited-symbol)
(define read-comment
(object (lambda (port ch rt)
(ignore ch rt)
(let ((obj (read-line port)))
(if (eof? obj) obj nothing-read)))
((delimiting-read-macro? self) t)))
(set-read-table-entry standard-read-table #\semicolon read-comment)
(define (read-quotation port ch rt)
(ignore ch)
(list 'quote (read-object-refusing-eof port rt)))
(set-read-table-entry standard-read-table #\quote read-quotation)
(define (read-backquote port ch rt)
(ignore ch)
(list 'quasiquote (read-object-refusing-eof port rt)))
(set-read-table-entry standard-read-table #\backquote read-backquote)
(define (read-comma port ch rt)
(ignore ch)
(list (cond ((char= (peek-char port) #\@)
(read-char port)
(else 'unquote))
(read-object-refusing-eof port rt)))
(set-read-table-entry standard-read-table #\comma read-comma)
;;; ---------- sharpsign
(define (make-dispatch-read-macro)
(make-dispatch-read-macro-1 (vector-fill (make-vector number-of-char-codes)
(define (make-dispatch-read-macro-1 dispatch-table)
(object (lambda (port ch rt)
(let ((nextch (read-char port)))
;; should read a number here, for #nrfoo.
(let ((fn (vref dispatch-table (char->ascii nextch))))
(cond (fn (fn port nextch nil rt))
(else (read-error port
"\"~c\" is an unknown ~c dispatch"
nextch ch))))))
((dispatch-syntax self ch)
(vref dispatch-table (char->ascii ch)))
((set-dispatch-syntax self ch fn)
(cond ((lowercase? ch)
(set (vref dispatch-table
(char->ascii (char-upcase ch)))
((uppercase? ch)
(set (vref dispatch-table
(char->ascii (char-downcase ch)))
((digit? ch 10.)
(error "can't set a digit's dispatch-macro syntax")))
(set (vref dispatch-table (char->ascii ch)) fn))
((establish-read-table-entry self ch)
(if (null? *dispatch-char*) (set *dispatch-char* ch)))
((copy-read-table-entry self)
(make-dispatch-read-macro-1 (copy-vector dispatch-table)))
((dispatcher? self) t)))
(define-settable-operation (dispatch-syntax table ch))
(define set-dispatch-syntax (setter dispatch-syntax))
(define-operation (copy-dispatcher table))
(define-predicate dispatcher?)
(define read-dispatch (make-dispatch-read-macro))
(set-read-table-entry standard-read-table #\# read-dispatch)
;;; #\c, #\foo - funny character reader
(define (read-character port ch n rt)
(ignore n)
(let ((q (peek-char port)))
(cond ((alphabetic? q)
(let ((probe (read-object port rt)))
(cond ((not (symbol? probe))
(read-error port
"utter randomness in read-character - read ~s"
((fx= (symbol-print-length probe) 1) q)
((name-char probe))
(else (read-error port "#~c~s: unknown #~c form"
ch probe ch)))))
(else (read-char port)))))
(set-dispatch-syntax read-dispatch #\\ read-character)
;;; #t, #f - true and false
(set-dispatch-syntax read-dispatch #\t true)
(set-dispatch-syntax read-dispatch #\f false)
;;; canonical true and false
;++ flush READ-DELIMITED-CONSTANT and associated #!...
(define (read-delimited-constant port ch n rt)
(ignore ch)
(ignore n)
(let* ((ch (readc port))
(token (read-atom port rt ch)))
(case token
((true) '#t)
((false) '#f)
((null) '())
((quasiquote) 'quasiquote)
((unquote) 'unquote)
((unquote-splice) 'unquote-splicing)
(read-error port "#!~s: unknown constant" token)))))
(set-dispatch-syntax read-dispatch #\! read-delimited-constant)
;;; #b nnn, #o nnn, #x nnn - alternate radices
(define (make-radical-reader radix)
(lambda (port ch n rt)
(ignore ch n)
(read-object-refusing-eof port (rt-with-radix rt radix))))
(set-dispatch-syntax read-dispatch #\b (make-radical-reader 2))
(set-dispatch-syntax read-dispatch #\o (make-radical-reader 8))
(set-dispatch-syntax read-dispatch #\x (make-radical-reader 16))
(set-dispatch-syntax read-dispatch #\r
(lambda (port ch n rt)
(ignore ch)
(read-object-refusing-eof port
(rt-with-radix rt n))))
;;; #^x - control character
(set-dispatch-syntax read-dispatch *control-char-delimiter*
(lambda (port ch n rt)
(ignore ch n rt)
(controlify (read-char port))))
;;; #(a b c ...) - vector syntax
;;; extremely kludgey definition
(define (read-vector port ch n rt)
(ignore n)
(list->vector ((read-table-entry standard-read-table #\left-paren)
port ch rt)))
(set-dispatch-syntax read-dispatch #\left-paren read-vector)
;;; #[keyword stuff ...] - general rereadable object.
;;; The entries in the READ-KEY-WORD table are procedures
;;; of 3 arguments, (lambda (key port read-table) ...)
;;; where KEY is the keyword, PORT is the port being
;;; read, and READ-TABLE is the read-table being used to
;;; read from the port. STUFF in #[key stuff ...] will
;;; not have been read yet.
(define read-keyword-table (make-table 'read-keyword-table))
(set (rt-keyword-table standard-read-table) read-keyword-table)
(define read-to-right-bracket (make-list-reader))
(set-read-table-entry standard-read-table #\right-bracket
(list-terminator read-to-right-bracket))
(define (read-keyworded port ch n rt)
(ignore n ch)
(let ((key (read-thing port rt)))
(cond ((table-entry (rt-keyword-table rt) key)
=> (lambda (proc) (proc key port rt)))
(read-error port "unknown #[...] syntax: #[~s ...]" key)))))
(set-dispatch-syntax read-dispatch #\[ read-keyworded)
(define (read-ascii key port rt)
(let ((error (lambda (n)
(read-error port "illegal syntax - #[ascii ~s]" n)))
(l (read-to-right-bracket port #\] rt)))
(if (not (null? (cdr l))) (error (cdr l)))
(let ((n (car l)))
(cond ((and (symbol? n) (name-char n)))
((and (fixnum? n)
(not (fx< n 0))
(not (fx>= n number-of-char-codes))
(ascii->char n)))
(else (error n))))))
(set (table-entry read-keyword-table 'char) read-ascii)
(set (table-entry read-keyword-table 'ascii) read-ascii)
;;; #[Symbol ...]
(set (table-entry read-keyword-table 'symbol)
(lambda (key port rt)
(ignore key)
(string->symbol (car (read-to-right-bracket port #\] rt)))))
;;; #[Text ...]
(set (table-entry read-keyword-table 'text)
(lambda (key port rt)
(ignore key)
(let ((l (read-to-right-bracket port #\] rt)))
(string-text (cadr l)))))
;;; #[Bytev ...]
(set (table-entry read-keyword-table 'bytev)
;;; #[Filename ...]
(set (table-entry read-keyword-table 'filename)
;;; #[Syntax ...] and #[Internal-syntax ...]
(define (read-syntax-descriptor key port rt)
(let* ((l (read-to-right-bracket port #\] rt))
(sym (car l)))
(cond ((or (not (null? (cdr l)))
(not (symbol? sym)))
(read-error port "illegal syntax - #[syntax ~s]" sym))
((xcase key
(syntax-table-entry standard-syntax-table sym))
((internal-syntax) ;insufficient error checking
(*value t-implementation-env sym))))
(read-error port
"not a standard reserved word - #[Syntax ~s]"
(set (table-entry read-keyword-table 'syntax)
(set (table-entry read-keyword-table 'internal-syntax)
;;; #[Comex ...]
(set (table-entry read-keyword-table 'comex)
(lambda (key port rt)
(ignore key rt)
(read-comex port)))
;;; #.expression - read-time evaluation
(set-dispatch-syntax read-dispatch #\. ; bletch! what to do?
(lambda (port ch n rt)
(ignore ch n)
(eval (read-object-refusing-eof port rt)
(make-locale standard-env '\#.))))
;;; #|...|# reads as a comment
(define (read-inline-comment port ch n rt)
(ignore ch n rt)
(let ((readc (if (iob? port) vm-read-char read-char)))
(labels (((error)
(read-error port "end of file within #|...|# (missing delimiter)"))
((loop level)
(let ((ch (readc port)))
(cond ((eof? ch) (error))
((char= ch #\|)
(let ((ch (readc port)))
(cond ((eof? ch) (error))
((charn= ch #\#)
(unread-char port)
(loop level))
((fx= level 1)
(loop (fx- level 1))))))
((char= ch #\#)
(let ((ch (readc port)))
(cond ((eof? ch) (error))
((char= ch #\|)
(loop (fx+ level 1)))
(unread-char port)
(loop level)))))
(else (loop level))))))
(loop 1))))
(set-dispatch-syntax read-dispatch #\| read-inline-comment)
;;; ## reads as (car (repl-results)). experimental feature.
(set-dispatch-syntax read-dispatch #\#
(always '(car (repl-results))))
(set-immutable standard-read-table)